Andrea, Education and Mentor Coordinator at Track Academy, shares her testimonial about Goal – Driven delivered workshop facilitation to the academy’s young athletes.
Earn your own money as a grass roots football referee. Strive for promotion through the ranks and make a difference to the players and clubs that you serve.
It was a pleasure to recently be awarded £500 funding from Love Brum and their patron Aston University. We have been sponsored in the Diversity and Inclusivity round of funding.
"The Polish beaches, the food, and the nightlife are bliss."
"Playing football here each year is something to look forward to."
Our British clients from the criminal justice system, participating in an annual international ABPO Football tournament event in Poland.
"The presentation was very informative, and I can see the benefits of sports for people straight away."
"Cornell showed me how sports can be used to affirm positive teachings helping with other aspects of life."
"The presentation helped me understand how sports could improve people's mental health, encourage engagement and development."
Our client staff at Future Health & Social Care main offices.
"I felt engaged."
"The best thing about going through this programme was meeting the leaders and learning about tips on saving my money."
"What I will take away from working with Cornell is learning of the many different ways how I can save my money."
Our client, Pat Benson Community Sports Foundation, adult audience in recovery from substance misuse, supported by Changes UK.
"Working with Cornell in partnership with our Premier League Kicks Project has allowed us to reach a wide range of people looking for further educational needs and workplace experience. Through this partnership we have had 5 young people, so far, come and complete work experience at Wolverhampton Wanderers Foundation, allowing them to gain employability skills and assist with our Inclusion Programmes. We look forward to building on these partnerships to increase the opportunities available to young people in Wolverhampton."
Our partners at the Wolverhampton Wanderers Foundation, sharing their feedback on our collaboration in the charity’s Premier League Kicks Project.